It’s common knowledge that you can usually identify a car’s registration year by reading the number plate. However, did you know that most UK registration plates also contain information about where the vehicle was first registered?
In this guide, you’ll find comprehensive lists with explanations of all the area codes found on UK number plates. We’ll also explain how to read the current ‘infix’ style number plates (in addition to the older ‘suffix’ and ‘prefix’ plate formats) to determine where a vehicle was registered.
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Understanding number plate area codes in the UK
Introduced in 1903, the very first UK number plates allowed individual vehicles and motorists to be identified. However, these number plates did not contain any information about where and when vehicles were first registered.
That all changed with the introduction of ‘suffix’-format number plates in 1963. This style of number plate – and the subsequent ‘prefix’ and ‘infix’ formats contain an ‘area code’, specifying where the vehicle was first registered, in addition to an ‘age identifier’ number, indicating when the vehicle was registered.
However, the specific codes for each area and their placement within the number plate vary depending on the format. Number plate area codes comprise up to three letters and are also referred to by the DVLA as ‘memory tags’.
Number plate memory tags
Up until 2013, the area-specific memory tags found on UK number plates indicated which of the regional DVLA offices had registered the vehicle. All the regional DVLA offices in England, Wales and Scotland were subsequently closed as the system was centralised.
However, the DVLA still issues plates with the same region-specific memory tags to local car dealers to this day. For instance, if you bought a new car in Birmingham, its memory tag is very likely to start with the letter ‘B’.
A list of all car registration plate areas (for infix plates)
Want to know the region where your vehicle was originally registered? Look up the memory tag in the table below:
Memory Tag | Region | DVLA Office |
AA, AB, AC, AD, AE, AF, AG, AH, AJ, AK, AL, AM, AN | Anglia | Peterborough |
AO, AP, AR, AS, AT, AU | Anglia | Norwich |
AV, AW, AX, AY | Anglia | Ipswich |
BA, BB, BC, BD, BE, BF, BG, BH, BJ, BK, BL, BM, BN, BO, BP, BR, BS, BT, BU, BV, BW, BX, BY | Birmingham | Birmingham |
CA, CB, CC, CD, CE, CF, CG, CH, CJ, CK, CL, CM, CN, CO | Cymru | Cardiff |
CP, CR, CS, CT, CU, CV | Cymru | Swansea |
CW, CX, CY | Cymru | Bangor |
DA, DB, DC, DD, DE, DF, DG, DH, DJ, DK | Deeside to Shrewsbury | Chester |
DL, DM, DN, DO, DP, DR, DS, DT, DU, DV, DW, DX, DY | Deeside to Shrewsbury | Shrewsbury |
EA, EB, EC, ED, EE, EF, EG, EH, EJ, EK, EL, EM, EN, EO, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EV, EW, EX, EY | Essex | Chelmsford |
FA, FB, FC, FD, FE, FF, FG, FH, FJ, FK, FL, FM, FN, FP | Forest and Fens | Nottingham |
FR, FS, FT, FV, FW, FX, FY | Forest and Fens | Lincoln |
GA, GB, GC, GD, GE, GF, GG, GH, GJ, GK, GL, GM, GN, GO | Garden of England | Maidstone |
GP, GR, GS, GT, GU, GV, GX, GY | Garden of England | Brighton |
HA, HB, HC, HD, HE, HF, HG, HH, HJ | Hampshire and Dorset | Bournemouth |
HK, HL, HM, HN, HO, HP, HR, HS, HT, HU, HV, HX, HY | Hampshire and Dorset | Portsmouth |
HW | Hampshire and Dorset | Portsmouth (Used exclusively for the Isle of Wight) |
KA, KB, KC, KD, KE, KF, KG, KH, KJ, KK, KL | - | Luton |
KM, KN, KO, KP, KR, KS, KT, KU, KV, KW, KX, KY | - | Northampton |
LA, LB, LC, LD, LE, LF, LG, LH, LJ | London | Wimbledon |
LK, LL, LM, LN, LO, LP, LR, LS, LT | London | Stanmore |
LU, LV, LW, LX, LY | London | Sidcup |
MA, MB, MC, MD, ME, MF, MG, MH, MJ, MK, ML, MM, MN, MO, MP, MR, MS, MT, MU, MV, MW, MX, MY | Manchester and Merseyside | Manchester |
NA, NB, NC, ND, NE, NF, NG, NH, NJ, NK, NL, NM, NN, NO | North | Newcastle |
NP, NR, NS, NT, NU, NV, NW, NX, NY | North | Stockton |
OA, OB, OC, OD, OE, OF, OG, OH, OJ, OK, OL, OM, ON, OO, OP, OR, OS, OT, OU, OV, OW, OX, OY | Oxford | Oxford |
PA, PB, PC, PD, PE, PF, PG, PH, PJ, PK, PL, PM, PN, PO, PP, PR, PS, PT | Preston | Preston |
PU, PV, PW, PX, PY | Preston | Carlisle |
RA, RB, RC, RD, RE, RF, RG, RH, RJ, RK, RL, RM, RN, RO, RP, RR, RS, RT, RU, RV, RW, RX, RY | Reading | Reading |
SA, SB, SC, SD, SE, SF, SG, SH, SJ | Scotland | Glasgow |
SK, SL, SM, SN, SO | Scotland | Edinburgh |
SP, SR, SS, ST | Scotland | Dundee |
SU, SV, SW | Scotland | Aberdeen |
SX, SY | Scotland | Inverness |
VA, VB, VC, VD, VE, VF, VG, VH, VJ, VK, VL, VM, VN, VO, VP, VR, VS, VT, VU, VV, VW, VX, VY | Severn Valley | Worcester |
WA, WB, WC, WD, WE, WF, WG, WH, WJ | West of England | Exeter |
WK, WL | West of England | Truro |
WM, WN, WO, WP, WR, WS, WT, WU, WV, WW, WX, WY | West of England | Bristol |
YA, YB, YC, YD, YE, YF, YG, YH, YJ, YK | Yorkshire | Leeds |
YL, YM, YN, YO, YP, YR, YS, YT, YU | Yorkshire | Sheffield |
YV, YW, YX, YY | Yorkshire | Beverley |
Do you have an older (prefix or suffix-style) reg plate? Please refer to the table in the next section.
How did older number plate area codes work?
The current infix-style number plates were only introduced in 2001. Therefore, you’ll still encounter vehicles with prefix-style number plates (1983-2001) – and occasionally, even ‘classic’ cars with suffix-style plates (1963-1983) on the roads.
Prefix number plates (e.g. ‘T789 ABC’)
The prefix number plate format comprises a single letter (indicating the registration year), followed by one to three numbers - and finally, three letters. With this format, the final two letters represent the registration region (‘BC’ indicates ‘Leicester’ for the example above).
Suffix number plates (e.g. ‘ABC 789T’)
Conversely, with suffix-style number plates, the last letter indicates the registration year – while the second and third letters represent the registration region. (‘BC’ indicates ‘Leicester’ for the example above.)
Although the placement of the area code differs depending on whether you are looking at a prefix or suffix plate, the same area codes are used for both formats.
If you have a vehicle with a prefix or suffix-style plate, you can look up the area code in the table below:
Area Code | Registration Region |
A | London |
AA | Bournemouth |
AB | Worcester |
AC | Coventry |
AD | Gloucester |
AE | Bristol |
AF | Truro |
AG | Hull |
AH | Norwich |
AJ | Middlesbrough |
AK | Sheffield |
AL | Nottingham |
AM | Swindon |
AN | Reading |
AO | Carlisle |
AP | Brighton |
AR | Chelmsford |
AS | Inverness |
AT | Hull |
AU | Nottingham |
AV | Peterborough |
AW | Shrewsbury |
AX | Cardiff |
AY | Leicester |
AZ | Belfast |
B | Lancashire |
BA | Manchester |
BB | Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
BC | Leicester |
BD | Northampton |
BE | Lincoln |
BF | Stoke-on-Trent |
BG | Liverpool |
BH | Luton |
BJ | Ipswich |
BK | Portsmouth |
BL | Reading |
BM | Luton |
BN | Manchester or Bolton |
BO | Cardiff |
BP | Portsmouth |
BR | Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
BS | Aberdeen |
BT | Leeds |
BU | Manchester |
BV | Preston |
BW | Oxford |
BX | Haverfordwest |
BY | London (North-West) |
BZ | County Down |
C | West Yorkshire |
CA | Chester |
CB | Manchester |
CC | Bangor |
CD | Brighton |
CE | Peterborough |
CF | Reading |
CG | Bournemouth |
CH | Nottingham |
CJ | Gloucester |
CK | Preston |
CL | Norwich |
CM | Liverpool |
CN | Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
CO | Exeter |
CP | Huddersfield |
CR | Southampton |
CS | Glasgow |
CT | Lincoln |
CU | Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
CV | Truro |
CW | Preston |
CX | Huddersfield |
CY | Swansea |
CZ | Belfast |
D | Kent |
DA | Birmingham |
DB | Manchester |
DC | Middlesbrough |
DD | Gloucester |
DE | Haverfordwest |
DF | Gloucester |
DG | Gloucester |
DH | Dudley |
DJ | Liverpool |
DK | Rochdale, later Manchester |
DL | Portsmouth |
DM | Chester |
DN | Leeds |
DO | Lincoln |
DP | Reading |
DR | Exeter |
DS | Glasgow |
DT | Sheffield |
DU | Coventry |
DV | Exeter |
DW | Cardiff |
DX | Ipswich |
DY | Brighton |
DZ | County Antrim |
E | Staffordshire |
EA | Dudley |
EB | Peterborough |
EC | Preston |
ED | Liverpool |
EE | Lincoln |
EF | Middlesbrough |
EG | Peterborough |
EH | Stoke-on-Trent |
EJ | Haverfordwest |
EK | Liverpool |
EL | Bournemouth |
EM | Liverpool |
EN | Bury, later Manchester |
EO | Preston |
EP | Swansea |
ER | Peterborough |
ES | Dundee |
ET | Sheffield |
EU | Bristol |
EV | Chelmsford |
EW | Peterborough |
EX | Norwich |
EY | Bangor |
EZ | Belfast |
F | Essex |
FA | Stoke-on-Trent |
FB | Bristol |
FC | Oxford |
FD | Dudley |
FE | Lincoln |
FF | Bangor |
FG | Brighton |
FH | Gloucester |
FJ | Exeter |
FK | Dudley |
FL | Peterborough |
FM | Chester |
FN | Maidstone |
FO | Gloucester |
FP | Leicester |
FR | Preston |
FS | Edinburgh |
FT | Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
FU | Lincoln |
FV | Preston |
FW | Lincoln |
FX | Bournemouth |
FY | Liverpool |
FZ | Belfast |
G | Glasgow |
GA | Glasgow |
GB | Glasgow |
GC | London (South-West) |
GD | Glasgow |
GE | Glasgow |
GF | London (South-West) |
GG | Glasgow |
GH | London (South-West) |
GJ | London (South-West) |
GK | London (South-West) |
GL | Truro |
GM | Reading |
GN | London (South-West) |
GO | London (South-West) |
GP | London (South-West) |
GR | Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
GS | Luton |
GT | London (South-West) |
GU | London (South-East) |
GV | Ipswich |
GW | London (South-East) |
GX | London (South-East) |
GY | London (South-East) |
GZ | Belfast |
H | London |
HA | Dudley |
HB | Cardiff |
HC | Brighton |
HD | Huddersfield |
HE | Sheffield |
HF | Liverpool |
HG | Preston |
HH | Carlisle |
HJ | Chelmsford |
HK | Chelmsford |
HL | Sheffield |
HM | London (Central) |
HN | Middlesbrough |
HO | Bournemouth |
HP | Coventry |
HR | Swindon |
HS | Glasgow |
HT | Bristol |
HU | Bristol |
HV | London (Central) |
HW | Bristol |
HX | London (Central) |
HY | Bristol |
J | Durham |
JA | Manchester |
JB | Reading |
JC | Bangor |
JD | London (Central) |
JE | Peterborough |
JF | Leicester |
JG | Maidstone |
JH | Reading |
JJ | Maidstone |
JK | Brighton |
JL | Lincoln |
JM | Reading |
JN | Chelmsford |
JO | Oxford |
JP | Liverpool |
JR | Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
JS | Inverness |
JT | Bournemouth |
JU | Leicester |
JV | Lincoln |
JW | Birmingham |
JX | Huddersfield |
JY | Exeter |
JZ | County Down |
K | Liverpool |
KA | Liverpool |
KB | Liverpool |
KC | Liverpool |
KD | Liverpool |
KE | Maidstone |
KF | Liverpool |
KG | Cardiff |
KH | Hull |
KJ | Maidstone |
KK | Maidstone |
KL | Maidstone |
KM | Maidstone |
KN | Maidstone |
KO | Maidstone |
KP | Maidstone |
KR | Maidstone |
KS | Edinburgh |
KT | Maidstone |
KU | Sheffield |
KV | Coventry |
KW | Sheffield |
KX | Luton |
KY | Sheffield |
KZ | County Antrim |
L | Glamorganshire |
LA | London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LB | London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LC | London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LD | London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LE | London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LF | London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LG | Chester |
LH | London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
KJ | Bournemouth |
LK | London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LL | London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LM | London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LN | London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LO | London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LP | London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LR | London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LS | Edinburgh |
LT | London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LU | London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LV | Liverpool |
LW | London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LX | London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LY | London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LZ | County Armagh |
M | Cheshire |
MA | Chester |
MB | Chester |
MC | London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MD | London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
ME | London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MF | London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MG | London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MH | London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MJ | Luton |
MK | London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
ML | London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MM | London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MN | used in the Isle of Man |
MO | Reading |
MP | London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MR | Swindon |
MS | Edinburgh |
MT | London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MU | London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MV | London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MW | Swindon |
MX | London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MY | London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MZ | Belfast |
N | Manchester |
NA | Manchester |
NB | Manchester |
NC | Manchester |
ND | Manchester |
NE | Manchester |
NF | Manchester |
NG | Norwich |
NH | Northampton |
NJ | Brighton |
NK | Luton |
NL | Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
NM | Luton |
NN | Nottingham |
NO | Chelmsford |
NP | Worcester |
NR | Leicester |
NS | Glasgow |
NT | Shrewsbury |
NU | Nottingham |
NV | Northampton |
NW | Leeds |
NX | Dudley |
NY | Cardiff |
NZ | County Londonderry/Derry |
O | Birmingham |
OA | Birmingham |
OB | Birmingham |
OC | Birmingham |
OD | Exeter |
OE | Birmingham |
OF | Birmingham |
OG | Birmingham |
OH | Birmingham |
OI | Belfast |
OJ | Birmingham |
OK | Birmingham |
OL | Birmingham |
OM | Birmingham |
ON | Birmingham |
OO | Chelmsford |
OP | Birmingham |
OR | Portsmouth |
OS | Glasgow |
OT | Portsmouth |
OU | Bristol |
OV | Birmingham |
OW | Southampton |
OX | Birmingham |
OY | London (North-West) |
OZ | Belfast |
P | Surrey |
PA | Guildford |
PB | Guildford |
PC | Guildford |
PD | Guildford |
PE | Guildford |
PF | Guildford |
PG | Guildford |
PH | Guildford |
PJ | Guildford |
PK | Guildford |
PL | Guildford |
PM | Guildford |
PN | Brighton |
PO | Portsmouth (GPO formerly used for General Post Office vehicles) |
PP | Luton |
PR | Bournemouth |
PS | Aberdeen |
PT | Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
PU | Chelmsford |
PV | Ipswich |
PW | Norwich |
PX | Portsmouth |
PY | Middlesbrough |
PZ | Belfast |
R | Derbyshire |
RA | Nottingham |
RB | Nottingham |
RC | Nottingham |
RD | Reading |
RE | Stoke-on-Trent |
RF | Stoke-on-Trent |
RG | Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
RH | Hull |
RJ | Manchester |
RK | London (North-West) |
RL | Truro |
RM | Carlisle |
RN | Preston |
RO | Luton |
RP | Northampton |
RR | Nottingham |
RS | Aberdeen |
RT | Ipswich |
RU | Bournemouth |
RV | Portsmouth |
RW | Coventry |
RX | Reading |
RY | Leicester |
RZ | County Antrim |
S | Edinburgh |
SA | Aberdeen |
SB | Glasgow |
SC | Edinburgh |
SD | Glasgow |
SE | Aberdeen |
SF | Edinburgh |
SG | Edinburgh |
SH | Edinburgh |
SJ | Glasgow |
SK | Inverness |
SL | Dundee |
SM | Carlisle |
SN | Dundee |
SO | Aberdeen |
SP | Dundee |
SR | Dundee |
SS | Aberdeen |
ST | Inverness |
SU | Glasgow |
SW | Carlisle |
SX | Edinburgh |
T | Devon |
TA | Exeter |
TB | Liverpool |
TC | Bristol |
TD | Manchester |
TE | Manchester |
TF | Reading |
TG | Cardiff |
TH | Swansea |
TJ | Liverpool |
TK | Exeter |
TL | Lincoln |
TM | Luton |
TN | Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
TO | Nottingham |
TP | Portsmouth |
TR | Southampton |
TS | Dundee |
TT | Exeter |
TU | Chester |
TV | Nottingham |
TW | Chelmsford |
TX | Cardiff |
TY | Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
TZ | Belfast |
U | Leeds |
UA | Leeds |
UB | Leeds |
UC | London (Central) |
UD | Oxford |
UE | Dudley |
UF | Brighton |
UG | Leeds |
UH | Cardiff |
UI | County Londonderry/Derry |
UJ | Shrewsbury |
UK | Birmingham |
UL | London (Central) |
UM | Leeds |
UN | Exeter |
UO | Exeter |
UP | Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
UR | Luton |
US | Glasgow |
UT | Leicester |
UU | London (Central) |
UV | London (Central) |
UW | London (Central) |
UX | Shrewsbury |
UY | Worcester |
UZ | Belfast |
V | Lanarkshire |
VA | Peterborough |
VB | Maidstone |
VC | Coventry |
VD | Lanarkshire/Luton |
VE | Peterborough |
VF | Norwich |
VG | Norwich |
VH | Huddersfield |
VJ | Gloucester |
VK | Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
VL | Lincoln |
VM | Manchester |
VN | Middlesbrough |
VO | Nottingham |
VP | Birmingham |
VR | Manchester |
VS | Luton |
VT | Stoke-on-Trent |
VU | Manchester |
VV | Northampton |
VW | Chelmsford |
VX | Chelmsford |
VY | Leeds |
VZ | County Tyrone |
W | Sheffield |
WA | Sheffield |
WB | Sheffield |
WC | Chelmsford |
WD | Dudley |
WE | Sheffield |
WF | Sheffield |
WG | Sheffield |
WH | Manchester or Bolton |
WJ | Sheffield |
WK | Coventry |
WL | Oxford |
WM | Liverpool |
WN | Swansea |
WO | Cardiff |
WP | Worcester |
WR | Leeds |
WS | Bristol |
WT | Leeds |
WU | Leeds |
WV | Brighton |
WW | Leeds |
WX | Leeds |
WY | Leeds |
WZ | Belfast |
X | Northumberland |
XI | Belfast |
XZ | County Armagh |
Y | Somerset |
YA | Taunton |
YB | Taunton |
YC | Taunton |
YD | Taunton |
YE | London (Central) |
YF | London (Central) |
YG | Leeds |
YH | London (Central) |
YJ | Brighton |
YK | London (Central) |
YL | London (Central) |
YM | London (Central) |
YN | London (Central) |
YO | London (Central) |
YP | London (Central) |
YR | London (Central) |
YS | Glasgow |
YT | London (Central) |
YU | London (Central) |
YV | London (Central) |
YW | London (Central) |
YX | London (Central) |
YY | London (Central) |
YZ | County Londonderry |
What about area codes on personalised number plates?
Some prefix and suffix-style number plates were originally registered to vehicles that are no longer on the road, but gained a second lease of life when they were sold as ‘personalised’ (also known as ‘private’) plates.
If you see a prefix or suffix-style number plate on a modern car, it’s likely that the reg number was bought as a personalised plate, then transferred to this vehicle.
Of course, when an older-style registration plate has been transferred to a more modern vehicle, its area code will relate to the vehicle to which it was originally assigned. Therefore, it is not possible to determine where a vehicle was registered from the number plate alone if its prefix or suffix registration is now a personalised plate.