Scrap my car in Liverpool

Do you want to scrap your car in Liverpool? Before you visit a local scrap yard, you should get a free online valuation in less than 30 seconds by entering your registration plate below.

Why sell your ‘scrap’ car to us?

  • Free online valuation

    Get a valuation for your ‘scrap’ car in less than 30 seconds by entering your registration plate and a few additional details such as mileage and previous owners.

  • Multiple branches in Liverpool

    With 4 branches across Liverpool, you are only ever a short drive away from your local branch. At the branch you will be greeted by one of our friendly branch managerswho will guide you through our easy 3 step process.

  • Get paid within 15 minutes

    Take the hassle away from selling your ‘scrap’ car and get the money in your bank within 15 minutes by choosing our Immediate Payment option (fees apply).

  • No obligation to sell

    If you decide you no longer want to sell or scrap your car, you can walk away at any point. We don’t use pushy sales tactics and leave the offer in your hands throughout the sale process.

  • 4 day price guarantee

    Your online valuation will be valid for up to 4 days, which means you’re protected from market price fluctuations and can book a timeslot convenient to your schedule.

Scrap car illustration

Find your nearest Liverpool branch

With 4 branches within Liverpool and others such as St.Helens, Ellesmere Port and Birkenhead located just a short journey away, it has never been more convenient to sell your ‘scrap’ car. Find your closest branch by entering your postcode below:

It’s never been easier to scrap your car

With our simple 3-step car buying process, it’s never been easier to sell your car. Follow these three simple steps to sell your car to us rather than scrapping your car at a local scrap yard:

Get a free car valuation

Enter your registration plate to find out the value of your car in less than 30 seconds. To ensure your valuation is accurate you will need to add any damage.

Book an appointment

If you’re happy with the valuation for your ‘scrap’ car, you can book an appointment at your local Liverpool branch. You can book within 4 days of your valuation and be assured the price won’t change due to our 4-day guarantee.

Sell your ‘scrap’ car

At your appointment, you will be greeted by one of our friendly branch managers who will inspect the vehicle and explain our simple process.

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